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Edward Palmer
- Feb 10
- 1 min
A Disc of Stone
Within the box that we hold close inside- Resides a sample of the segments that are all a-lined. To view the ob-skew relies on a map- A...
Jeffrey Zable
- Feb 8
- 1 min
The Artificial Encounter
I recently met a guy who told me he was artificial, but intelligent nonetheless. “Each of us is artificial in certain ways,” I responded....
Jeffrey Zable
- Feb 8
- 1 min
Relieved To Be Back on The Road
She was cleaning the fangs of a baby while I was trying to get some slop into my gullywug. I tried and tried— actually getting some into...
J.R. Packard
- Feb 8
- 1 min
"The Madness", A Dystopian Novel by J.R. Packard
The derelict citizens, known only as, “fishermen”, have lived poorly in the various precincts, while the leaders of the ship, under the...
J.R. Packard
- Feb 8
- 4 min
The Undisclosed Messenger
The man, whom we shall refer to as only, “WRITER”–seeing as his name has little importance in his new, most melancholic life that, in his...
Paweł Markiewicz
- Feb 8
- 2 min
The Tender Family of Dryads
Daphnaie becoming she-conjurer Thou – ethereal enlightenment You are a sunflower The elixir is tender poetry and You are longing for...
John Grey
- Feb 8
- 1 min
Suburban Blue Funk
In a vault we assume tranquility with dullness a kind of recompense & labor the effects of a misplaced cause while sleeping...
John Grey
- Feb 8
- 1 min
A Stuck Pig's Invitation
I am a man in love with your youth I labor I sweat but may I still propose? Think me crazy why not? lead me on why not?...
John Grey
- Feb 8
- 1 min
Light and Shadow
I was here gazing you were moping shuffling doom’s deck missing none of three 3-dimensional blue in your chair you read from long-dead...
J.R. Packard
- Feb 6
- 1 min
The Men of The Cabaret Irreal: And Other Stories of The Strange
The surreal cabaret’s lights dim. The derelicts float on stage while the two businessmen gawk. What is the meaning? The purpose? The...
J.R. Packard
- Feb 6
- 10 min
The Man Who Grows Carrots on His Roof
I remember the days when I was once a reporter. The dull and boring days were always the same: interviewing criminal witnesses, filming...
J.R. Packard
- Feb 6
- 2 min
The Castle
Lo, the castle, one large and swath, I’d search forever, as I doth. Exploration, so my heart demands, Where? Over in far and distant...
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